Average prices in taverns in Halkidiki
The prices in greek taverns are approximately the same everywhere in our area. But if the restaurant is located close to a place of interest or has fantastic panoramic view the prices can be higher.
The following pricelist is given on the basis of restaurants in Paralia Dionisiou Beach and Nea Moudania. There are many taverns in Paralia Dionisiou Beach and Nea Moudania where fresh seafood is served, mainly because of the local greek people the cuisine isn’t touristic, but classical greek.
Prices in greek taverns (on the basis of prices in Paralia Dionisiou taverns)
We recommend to visit cafe Ladokolla where the best in Paralia Dionisiou giros and souvlakia are cooked. You can also order take away food there. They cook any kind of meat and offer salads.
Tasty fresh giros sandwich with french fries costs 2.70. euro.
In Paralia Dionisiou Beach we recommend for you to visit taverns Angelos, MiraMare, Kavos. In Nea Moudania there are 2 well known taverns in Halkidiki – Erodios and Marina.