Category: News

Summer is coming!

Hakidiki is always beautiful, but in spring especially! All the trees and flowers are in bloom. The weather is better and better, people start beach season. There are still available apartments in our complexes for rent for and there is a special offer for June, don't miss it! Special offer for Tatiana apartment>>> Read More

Construstion in Paralia Dionisiou Beach is in process

The construction of our new building in Paralia Dionisiou Beach is in process. The building is located 50 meters to the nice sandy beach (2nd building from the sea). The modern house will be built with the use of new technologies and high-quality materials and there will be 9 apartments. There are 5 available apartments for sale (50 [...] Read More

Start of construction in Paralia Dionisiou Beach

Start of construction in Paralia Dionisiou Beach Our company Dionisiou Construction will begin a new building project with apartments for sale in Paralia Dionisiou Beach in March 2019. The building project will be completed by the  end of March 2020. The building is located 50 meters to the nice sandy beach (2nd building from the sea). [...] Read More

Early booking promotion for 2019 season

With great pleasure, we inform you that our traditional early booking promotion of DIONISOS APARTMENTS for the 2019 season has started! We offer 10% discount until the end of January 2019 for early booking! There is a special 10% discount for early booking on any of our private owned apartments that are located in Paralia Dionisiou Beach and Nea Moudania (Dionisos, Central, Eleonas, Akti, Family, Tatyana apartments). Read More

Summer is coming to Halkidiki!

Summer is coming to Halkidiki! The sun is starting to shine hot like in summer: the air temperature is 25-28°С for the last days, the sea is 17°С. First tourists are coming to Halkidiki. The beach bars and water attractions opposite our own apartments Eleonas in Nea Moudania have already opened. All fields are covered [...] Read More

The renovations in our Dionisos complex have been completed!

Dear guests! We are happy to inform you that we have finished renovations in our Dionisos complex in Paralia Dionisiou Beach. So, your holidays will become more comfortable and pleasant with us! We have equipped the kitchens with new furniture, replaced the refrigerators and electric cookers to the larger ones, and we changed all the [...] Read More

Early booking promotion 2018

With great pleasure, we inform you that our traditional early booking promotion of DIONISOS APARTMENTS for the 2018 season has started! We offer 10% discount until the end of January 2018 for early booking! There is a special 10% discount for early booking on any of our private owned apartments that are located in Paralia Dionisiou Beach and Nea Moudania (Dionisos, Central, Eleonas, Akti, Family, Jorgos apartments). Read More

Tomato Day

Traditional Tomato Day takes place this year from 28.07 - 30.07.2017 in Paralia Dionisiou Beach. Many tourists and people from neighbourhood villages visit this holiday in Dionisiou Beach. Souvlakia, dances, performances, market with traditional greet products will be in our village for 3 evenings. Don't miss the opportunity to visit it! Read More

Party for our young guests in Dionisos complex

Party for our young guests in Dionisos complex This summer we provide parties with a clown for our young guests every 2 weeks. The party takes place on the ground floor of Dionisos building and we invite to join us the guests of any our apartments. The nearest party will happen 23.06 at 19.30. A [...] Read More

Prices in the market in Nea Moudania

One of the popular questions of our tourists is about prices. Please, check pictures which were taken at the beginning of April in the market of Nea Moudania. Market in Nea Moudania is the largest market in Halkidiki and it takes place every Wednesday during all the year. Strawberries - 2 euro/kg, kiwi - 1 [...] Read More